I am not being sentimental nor idealist, particularly as I have now read scripts of the police interviews from both Richard and a co-worker.
Anyway having since started this thread, Richard escaped the lethal injection with hours to spare. But it was only rescheduled and in two weeks time I believe he will be put to death.
Which made me think if had an imaginary past, with different circumstances, my life would be different. I get where politics come in. I also get how 16 years in to the future a person can be a different person. This is why In one life time i believe every person must be able to live two life's.
However as I also said in two weeks I believe Richard will be put to death. Do I believe that is correct?
Because 12 innocent people have been freed from death role in Texas since 1977 ( Statistics state by state database)
I believe no man should be put to death based on hear say and without physical evidence.
Because it's convicting the poor who who can't afford a decent laywer. Even the poor innocent individual deserve good representation against an experienced prosecution team and a jury of 12 well meaning but sincere people.
My point is if Richard had money for a good defence in this case, he would be a free man today. I am not saying that makes it right. What I am saying is guilty or not, what this man has gone through with twise being spared execution at the final hour only to go through the fatal inevitable execution in two weeks time is abhorrent.
Why does Oaklahoma give the death sentence when there is no physical evidence and a " conviction" based on hear say?
If the state want to execute people why not execute those, where there is absolutely no doubt, the accused is guilty beyond doubt? If so executions would be carried out with less public drama.
The Rebel.